when everything else fails

Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile Blogger Award
My fellow blogger in this twisty and turning but endless blogosphere, abichica from chicpress has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. WOW Thanks a lot dear 🙂 She got such an awesome blog, which you would not regret visiting. A talented poet and writer, keeps me hooked with her short story in installments, which I clamor to read till the end. This award thing, at first got me a bit confused but after researching a bit, I was able to digest what this award means. Being nominated is kind of considered as winning. I feel so honored.  And there are several official rules involved in order to accept the award:

  1. Thank the person who gave you this award and link back to his/her blog.
  2. Next nominate 15 bloggers for this award and notify them about the nomination.
  3. Finally, tell readers seven things about yourself.

I’m really delighted to be nominated for this award but as per official rules, but I would not be able to fulfill the second rule:

You must create a list of 15 blogs that you enjoy most and link to those as well. Then you must go and tell them you have nominated them. That means if you do not have 15, you cannot do this step. If you do not complete this step, then you cannot claim this award.

I don’t have 15 on my blogroll (I was oblivious to its charms and was lazy to grow the list) and neither do I closely interact with other bloggers, due to many reasons including lack of time to dedicated blog surfing and commenting. (and I’m slow in making friends) I’m deeply saddened, that I’m not eligible to accept the award. But I consider this a moment to introduce some blogs which I feel deserve more attention and encouragement. And also some established ones which I consider inspiring and deserving to be read.

I think I’ve already fulfilled the first rule. chicpress is a great blog with some awesome writing and inspiring poetry. You should definitely visit her blog and encourage her to continue going strong. Thank you so much for the nomination dear.

On to the second rule. I’m going to nominate 10 blogs which I feel deserves this award.

  1. My Insignificant (http://crownlessxx.wordpress.com/) My dear friend and collaborator who inspired me to become what I am poetically. If not for him, I would not have taken to publish a blog. He is a wonderful fellow and in his own right a awesome bilingual poet. He deserves being nominated and you should definitely check some of his works.
  2. Ich Bin Frnsska (http://frnsska.wordpress.com/) Another friend of mine and one to push me deeper into poetry. We had shared a lot of things other than poetry and thanks a lot for being inspiring, cool and mischievous as ever you are, girl. She writes on a lots of things in addition to poetry, definitely needs to be checked. I consider her a talented artist deserving more attention. Yeah she rants too much about Evanescence.
  3. VampireWeather (http://vampireweather.wordpress.com/) A wonderful blog of poetry, a train of thoughts which seem never to stop. Continuous writing needs true talent and here you will find it in abundance. Dark poetry sometimes deeply ethereal, sometimes heartfelt but always hits the mark.
  4. willowdot21 (http://willowdot21.wordpress.com/) I must say from deep within my heart I feel inspired when I read these works. Beautiful and thought provoking ideas set into verse and prose. A must visit.
  5. Abyss Of Sleep (http://abyssofsleep.wordpress.com/) I feel Simone deserves this award as an encouragement to go strong writing more and more. Beautiful dark poetry (I’m always a sucker for dark poetry) which has talent to develop into something great in the near future. Keep it up Simone.
  6. Bodhirose (http://bodhirose.wordpress.com/) Deeply spiritual poetry. I feel honored to read her works and they inspire me greatly and makes me feel light at heart. A must visit blog.
  7. Jonel Fernando (http://jonelfernando.com/) An aspiring and talented writer with an awesome blog. His posts are thought provoking and food for hungry minds. His posts always leave something to think and they sure does inspire. Visit his blog and support him and his ambition. Truly deserves this award for speaking out so openly.
  8. ankokuhikaru (http://ankokuhikaru.wordpress.com/) Truly a wonderful blog deserving to be awarded. Flowing fantasy and deeply nature inspired poetry. Poetic forms transformed from clay to pure gold. Beautiful poetry. Also for the adventurous minds there are posts about Japanese songs and culture. Worth checking out just for the flowing poetry.
  9. Dark Angel (http://darkangelwrites.wordpress.com/) Another blog of dark poetry. A talented wordsmith who got me hooked. (You already know I’m attracted to dark poetry) I think this blog deserves some attention and encouragement. So I nominate Dark Angel. Beautiful flowing poetry. Talented indeed.
  10. Sweet Lust (http://a-sweetlust.blogspot.com/) Awesome poetry and with a sensual twist. Inspirational writing and experimenting. Deserves the award just for openly writing about sensual topics in a tasteful and ethereal way. Definitely a must visit.

Now the third and final rule, seven (7) things about myself 🙂

  1. I love tea and coffee but prefer them sugar free. Lesser the calories the healthier you are. lol
  2. Pizza is my favorite food, but most of the time I survive on instant noodles. After the discovery of fire and invention of the wheel, the greatest discovery of human civilization is instant noodles!!!
  3. I hate surgeons. If there is a career i’m least aspiring to, the it got to be working as a surgeon, and coming under a surgeon’s scalpel is my worst nightmare.
  4. I love dark chocolate (darker the better). Love the sweet bliss tinged with bitterness, so heavenly.
  5. I listen to any form of music conceived on this planet. Depending on mood, from trance to heavy metal.
  6. I sleep in total darkness. Would not be able to sleep if there is a tiny speck of light. Fireflies included too.
  7. I want to go bungee jumping soon, a thrill ride can’t be bad right?

So here ends my long long rant. I’ve not written anything this long in ages. Please visit the blogs mentioned above. They truly are wonderful and you will not be disappointed.

10 responses

  1. simone

    Aw..thank you for nominating me fallenelegy. I’m honored to be nominated but I am new here and I don’t have 15 blogs on my blogroll. I can only name 5 bloggers who deserve this award and one of them is you.
    Someday, I will claim this award when I can already consider myself a versatile one.
    And thank you for the nice comments. Your comments help me to improve myself.

    September 26, 2011 at 5:26 pm

    • neither can i claim the award. i just want to let readers know who inspire me and who i want to encourage. 🙂 thanks for commenting and i hope you would keep on writing poetry.

      September 26, 2011 at 5:34 pm

  2. Thank you for the links and the nomination. Also for sharing a bit of yourself.

    I am also new to the blogging business but joining the poetry communities like D’Verse Poets Pub and Haiku Heights, have been helpful for me in terms of improving my writing and getting to know the other bloggers. Sometimes when we write in a vacuum, it is pretty scary and intimidating but once you find your “regular” group of friends in the blogger world, it is fun and motivating.

    Just as I was encouraged to write, I also enjoin you to write as you have the talent and feel for words. You are blessed to have discovered your talent so early in your life unlike me. Fly and soar with your words ~

    September 26, 2011 at 8:50 pm

  3. Thanks fallenelegy, sweet of you to include me. I’ll see if I can come up with 15…

    September 26, 2011 at 11:48 pm

  4. Useful post. Thank you for the links!

    All the best
    Marinela x

    September 27, 2011 at 12:33 am

  5. Thanks for your list of other great blogs! I will definitely check them out. (I would not be able to follow all the rules of this award either, due to time and health issues. I salute you for posting your favorites anyway!) All the best, and thank you for visiting my own blog.

    September 27, 2011 at 5:59 am

  6. It’s nice to get to know more about you, i’m also planning to go bungy jumping very soon, and just like you cant sleep if there is a speck of light, i cant sleep in even demure darkness.. 🙂

    September 27, 2011 at 8:42 am

  7. Thank you for the honour I am grateful and pleased!

    Rule Number 1

    Thank you so much for the nomination.

    Rule NO2
















    Please check out these pages ( above) they are all amazing and some have been nominated already!

    also rule NO3
    I ) have three sons and a husband and even though it is often not easy I love them all very much.
    2 ) I love black coffee , but if I drink too much when out it upsets my stomach.
    3 ) I am absolutely no good at sewing or knitting!
    4 ) I have no qualifications from school and I never attend College or University I have learnt all I know from the University of life.
    5 ) I love writing and reading , sometimes I think I am happier in the virtual world than the real one ….but the real one is where I live.
    6) I love the sky at night the stars and the planets I would love to travel through space…. I was born too soon!! ;O)
    7 ) I have broken my back twice , the second time I really had a bad time two operations and the threat of a wheelchair three times…. but I am standing. I walk with a stick but I walk . I am a determined woman…. I love life.


    October 2, 2011 at 5:50 pm

  8. i dont have that many blogger friends to begin with haha but thank you sir 😀

    October 4, 2011 at 11:26 am

  9. Ankoku Hikaru

    Thank You for the nomination, and my apologies for the late, late, late response… Times have been… rushed as of late. Once again, Thank You, and nicely written post.

    October 16, 2011 at 3:39 am

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